The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event.

It is my opinion that when you arrive early for an event, it can be quite beneficial. In this article I will list five of these benefits and explain why they are important.

1. You are likely to be placed at a table near the master of ceremonies or the main speaker.

Actually, by arriving early, you can usually pick where you want to sit. You may prefer a seat that is not too close to the dais, or you may want a place farther back, close to the exit.

If you have a hearing problem, you may need to sit close to the front. If there are windows, you may want to sit near a window. When early, it’s your choice.

2. Most speakers arrive early also, and they normally like to shake hands and talk to people.

This is your chance to get to know the speaker and ask him or her some questions that you have prepared.

Speakers can be prominent individuals from various fields of endeavors: sports, politics, show business, finance, education, etc. Meeting a celebrity often is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity.

3. When you arrive early, you can volunteer to help at the event. Frequently, the association or group that is hosting an event needs help because they simply are short-handed. They will welcome any help they can receive.

The sponsors of the event often need greeters and people who can help run minute errands. Volunteers are noticed, appreciated and remembered. You will stand out as a person of responsibility and one with a passion to serve.

4. By arriving early, you have the opportunity to meet new people and collect business cards.

You can discuss current events and share your interests with new people you meet. You can make new friends and earn their confidence.

People notice those who come early to events. They see you as a person of focus, a person of productivity, and a person of high self-esteem. When people see you in this way, it will enable you reap more benefits that will surface in the future.

5. You will have time to rub elbows with the leaders (president, board members) who sponsored the meeting.

These shakers and movers usually are required to arrive early to see that everything is done right.

Your boss may even be present, giving you a chance to exchange pleasantries with him or her. They like an employee who has a positive mindset of being early. The employee who is always late is one who has little influence on his organization’s progress.

There are other benefits that may be considered. Like when you come early, you have a chance to relax and prepare for the evening. The person who is late is usually so stressed out that he or she can’t enjoy the event.

A lot of people look forward to being early when they know there are treats being served before the event begins. There may be cookies, cake and sometimes doughnuts and coffee. The latecomers, unfortunately, miss out on this nice benefit.

So, these are what I think are benefits for arriving early at events. When you come late to events, you, of course, forfeit these benefits.

Wilson Alvarez is a Technology Evangelist residing in Miami, Florida. With extensive experience in his field, he educates his tribe (you) and enjoys taking his clients to the next level. Gallup says: Mr. Alvarez is an ActivatorFuturisticRelatorIdeation and a WOO!” If you are interested in taking your business to that next level via his Platform Builder may be the key to that path. You can also reach Wilson Alvarez at 888-945-7550.


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