Organizing Your Folder Structure

Organizing Your Folder Structure

Organizing Your Folder Structure, the benefits of proper organization add up fast! Every minute you waste searching for a file is productive time lost, and it’s true that time is money. Implement a folder structure that will make your life easier and your work...
Organizing Your Papers with Paperport

Organizing Your Papers with Paperport

Do you have tons of papers that you shuffle around your desk? This causes you to keep paper files and take time out of your day to place them in the right filing cabinet. It also puts your files at risk of loss due to misplacement or fire. You can secure your papers...
Here’s Why the World Uses QuickBooks

Here’s Why the World Uses QuickBooks

  As a small business just starting out you will want to place installing QuickBooks software at the top of your priority list. You will be surprised to learn of the many benefits QuickBooks has to offer you. Businesses worldwide are taking advantage of...
5 Ways to Leverage Cloud Capabilities

5 Ways to Leverage Cloud Capabilities

On-demand computing, also known as Cloud computing, is a type of internet-based computing that has shared processing resources. It carries data to other devices and computers on demand. Industry research in 2015 alone showed 88% of businesses used Cloud technology....
Password Strategies

Password Strategies

I forgot my password. Ever had that dilemma? Password, letmein, 12345678, and qwerty are some of the most popular passwords.  Of course for that reason, you should never use them.  I realize that it’s challenging to keep track of all of your passwords, (refer to my...

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