Defuse a Situation with a Code Word

Defuse a Situation with a Code Word

Conflict arises in a variety of different relationships in your life. This is a normal part of being among the human race. Sometimes people can push your buttons and cause you to lose your patience and temper. This type of situation can ruin a good relationship. Code...


There is no better place in the world to have a captive audience than in an elevator. The person standing next to you on the elevator for the next 30 seconds could be a new client tomorrow. But, you will never know unless you make an impression on the person. How do...
The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event.

The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event.

The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event. It is my opinion that when you arrive early for an event, it can be quite beneficial. In this article I will list five of these benefits and explain why they are important. 1. You are likely to be placed at a table near the...
Your Passion

Your Passion

The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, and gives you a sense of meaning, joy and passion. – Terry Orlick What is your passion? I mean, really, your true passion. We are all in...
The Power of Writing Down Your Goals

The Power of Writing Down Your Goals

You may have a dozen or more goals you would like to achieve swirling around in your mind. Your intentions are good, but after a busy schedule and life struggle set in, people often forget their goals. Has this happened to you? Think for a moment of a goal you truly...

Wearing Your Badge on the Right vs. the Left Side

Which side should you wear your badge? The right side! The reason behind the location of the badge is to allow the person you greet to have easy eye contact with the badge. Unfortunately, this topic has been debated for years and continues to be discussed among...