If you would like to take your new business to the next level, then technology is an essential element. The inclusion of technology can contribute to a company’s success to a large extent. Here are some of the biggest technology trends that small businesses can benefit from.

Use Artificial Intelligence Through Chat Bot

Artificial intelligence is usually used by big conglomerates. However, small and medium enterprises who are less likely to use this form of technology can also use it through chatbots. AI can be used in this form so that clients can chat with online robots who can provide services like product tracking, general queries, providing information about business locations and notifying clients about shipping information. Chats bots are connected to Social Media, SMS, Skype, Office 365 and many other services.

Collaboration Tools Evolve

Irrespective of whether a company is big or small, usage of collaboration tools is common. Tools like Slack, Skype, and Google Hangouts are being used extensively. Most companies are using these for collaboration since this is one technology that will go a long way. Skype is the most frequently used by all after which Hangouts and Slack follow. Other upcoming tools include Facebook Workplace and Spark by Cisco Systems. These are extremely helpful for small and medium scale businesses who need to constantly chat with their clients.

Mobile Device Management

Small companies usually follow the Bring Your Own Device policy which can expose your data to vulnerability. When customer sensitive information is being checked on personal devices, data becomes prone to hacking and other cyber- crimes. Storing company data in protected files on your phone can do a lot to improve the problem. Mobile device management helps you in the data protection and small businesses too should work on this. For instance, small and medium enterprises should adopt a cloud based ERP software with an app that tracks time and expenses and allows you to access live data on the move.

Cloud Migration

Cloud based technologies come with a series of benefits such as reduced equipment costs and overhead costs, minimization of hardware maintenance, increased collaboration, maximum capacity, and productivity. A recent survey has revealed that 70% small and 90% medium scaled businesses have starting imbibing cloud technology in their recent business strategies. Online backup, recovery, productivity based solutions and email hosting are some of the top cloud services. Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, and Open Drive are some of the most commonly used cloud based services.

Wilson Alvarez is a Technology Evangelist residing in Miami, Florida. With extensive experience in his field he educates his tribe (you) and enjoys taking his clients to the next level. Gallup says: Mr. Alvarez is an ActivatorFuturisticRelatorIdeation and a WOO!” If you are interested in taking your business to that next level via his Platform Builder Technologyinfo@wilsonalvarez.com may be the key to that path. You can also reach Wilson Alvarez at 888-945-7550.

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