We are a Miami Social Media Company where we offer Social Media services ranging from training, blogs, post engagement, & advertising. For further details contact us.
Plan A
Initiating your Influence
- Build your Social Media infrastructure: facebook, twitter, instagram, & the like.
- Find weekly content containing tips & facts about your business.
- Push your current web content on the 3 top platforms for your business.
- Networking 101
- Create 2 custom blogs for your business.
Plan B
Building Your Influence
- Same as Plan A, and…
- SEO (Search Engine Optimize) your blogs.
- Weekly engagement surrounding your particular content.
- Monthly newsletter targeting your personal database.
- Create a facebook Ad Campaign targeting your potential new clients. (Additional facebook fees apply)
Plan C
Perfecting Your Influence
- Same as Plan A, B, and…
- Weekly newsletter & blog creating keyword rich original content targeting your personal database.
- Create Ad Campaigns targeting your potential new clients. (Additional Google or facebook fees apply).
- Monthly interview/highlight in Miami’s Community Newspapers.