What is a Tribe?
A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to...
The Importance of Cloud Storage and the Due Diligence Behind it.
The Cloud is commonly used to store Word, Excel, Powerpoint, contacts, photos, calendars, books, music, apps and much more. You are able to access it from almost any of your devices and you can classify it as private, public or hybrid. There's a lot of controversy...
Researchers Have Made Computer-Chip Transistors Just One Atom Thick
The transistors are made out of silicene, a material made up of silicon atoms Source:
At TED, Bill Gates Talks About Spending Warren Buffett’s Billions – Forbes
There are two philanthropy partnerships that dwarf all others when it comes to sheer dollar impact, and Bill Gates makes up one-half of each. At the TED conference in Vancouver, one of those partnerships, the one comprising Gates and his wife Melinda, talked about the...
95 percent of U.S. ATMs run on Windows XP |
What will ATMs do when Microsoft stops supporting the OS? Source:
Why Warren Buffett is wrong on bitcoin—Commentary
Warren Buffett called bitcoin a "mirage." Vance Crowe, a consultant who has been paid in bitcoin, says the Oracle of Omaha is wrong. Here's why. Source:
Miami-Dade County retail industry expands amidst increasing demand – Lexology
Along with the condo market and the hospitality industry, the retail sector in Miami-Dade County has bounced back from the downturn, and developers… Source:
A Statistical Profile of IT Workers – A Statistical Profile of IT Workers - WSJ.comForget the stereotype. For one thing, most IT workers don't have college degrees in computer science, technology, engineering or math.
Smartphones Expose Camera Makers’ Shortcomings – Smartphones Expose Camera Makers' Shortcomings - WSJ.comFor camera makers like Canon and Nikon, there's precious little to smile about these days.
How to Tell Whether an IT Vendor Sells ‘Solutions’ or Just Products – How to Tell Whether an IT Vendor Sells 'Solutions' or Just Products - CIO.comThere's a subtle but important difference between IT products and IT solutions. Both have their rightful place, but buying a...