It’s Not About Who You Know, But Who Knows You

A negative state of mind can prevent you from furthering your career. There is an epidemic going around the United States that tells career driven people that your skills and education don’t matter, it’s who you know that makes the difference. This negative thought...
Technology Trends That Will Shape the World in 2023

Technology Trends That Will Shape the World in 2023

3 Technology Trends That Will Shape the World in 2023 As we venture into 2023, the world of technology continues to evolve at an astonishing pace. Just like in 2017 when drones, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence took center stage, this year promises even...
The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event.

The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event.

The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event. It is my opinion that when you arrive early for an event, it can be quite beneficial. In this article I will list five of these benefits and explain why they are important. 1. You are likely to be placed at a table near the...

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