Blogging has become essential to all businesses worldwide. Surprisingly some businesses don’t have blogs yet. Maybe some business owners don’t think they are necessary while others don’t know how to use them properly. Let’s explore using your blog to make sales.

All businesses are selling something whether it is a product or service, there is something to be sold. Sales techniques have been perfected throughout history, there are even classes you can take to improve your sales pitch, goals, and conversational skills. Using your blog to sell is essential, but there is a special technique.

Basically, when it comes to selling on a blog, the less you “sell” the more you sell. This sounds confusing so let’s break it down to a better understanding for everyone.

Let’s begin with the aggressive sales pitch via a blog. For example, the local shoe store has a blog. They are staying on schedule with weekly blog posts and advertising all their new stock and sales promotions. This is great! The store is “advertising.”

Now, let’s look into this situation deeper. The consumer knows they can go to the shoe store’s blog to find the sales and new stock, but that is just about it. This is where “the less you sell the more you sell” comes into play with this situation. If the shoe store were to put up additional blog posts not related to their weekly sales and stock, it would attract more customers.

How can this happen? It’s easy! The shoe store should post blogs related to shoes such as trends, repairs, the hottest looks, the best shoe for running, walking etc. All of these posts capture the attention of readers who really are looking for specific shoes and resolutions to issues they may have.

Take the following scenario into consideration. If Sarah is going to start exercising again she needs a new pair of sneakers. But which one should she get? There are so many to choose from. Sarah gets overwhelmed and searches online for “best running shoes for women.” This happens to be a blog post title the shoe company has posted on their blog. Sarah reads the article about running shoes for women than decides to make the purchase online or at the store. The blog post didn’t necessarily say, “come buy women’s running shoes.” It just gave details of which ones are the best and the consumer chose.

Always remember your blog needs a variety of content to make sales. You don’t want to only post sales and stock. You want to explain what the shoes are good for, what they do and how they can benefit the consumer. Captivate the interest of your readers and the sales will come along afterwards.

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