Social media allows business owners to share content with thousands of followers at once. This element of social media marketing has allowed small business worldwide to grow their business beyond their goals. Even though social media is one of the best marketing strategies available, some businesses are not taking advantage of the option. Below is a list of benefits social media provides businesses of any size.

  • Targeting Your Audience – As a business owner, you know your targeted audience. Social media allows you to effectively reach out to your audience with a variety of tools that focus on language, location, gender, age, interests, relationship status, education and more. For example, if you prefer to target your Spanish speaking audience you can easily do so with geo-targeting option settings.
  • Find New Customers – While social media will allow you to target your audience, it will also help you grow your customer base. Social media outlets such as Facebook, twitter and Pinterest allow users to share posts. For example, if you own a coffee shop and put a post and picture of your latest coffee creation or sale item, your targeted audience will share it on their social media site and allow their followers to see your post.
  • Increased Website Traffic – Adding your website link to your posts encourages customers to visit your website. This allows potential customers to become more familiar with your business and make a purchase.
  • Instant Feedback – Let’s say your specialty coffee creation didn’t sell so well and you want to know why. You can go online and ask followers what they thought of the product and what could improve it. The instant feedback is beneficial and can help you make a product better than expected. Also, followers enjoy being part of your decision behind the changes. Announce the changes have been made so they can come taste the new and improved product.

Social media is here to stay. Projections show there will be additional social media outlet options in the future. Now is your chance to start building your online presence and gaining more feedback and customers. Getting started is easy, just visit the Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest pages and set up a profile. It usually only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to set up your profile and start posting.

Wilson AlvarezWil 2015 is a Technology Evangelist residing in Miami, Florida. With extensive knowledge in the field, he has aligned himself with the ultimate resources, blogs and aggregates them via this medium & shares them within his tribe. Gallup says: “He is an Activator, Futuristic, Relator, Ideation and WOO!” If you are interested in taking your business to the next level via his Platform Builder Technology, may be the key to that path. You can just dial 305-Computers as well.

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